The main responsibilities will be to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential across the curriculum. We expect our Heads of School to focus time and energy on learning and teaching and the development of high-quality practitioners in their school. Heads are recruited for their high-quality teaching and understanding of pedagogy as well as their firm commitment to improving the life chances of their children. As a Head of School, you will be expected to demonstrate high-quality teaching, successful outcomes for children and an ability to coach others successfully (including support staff). You will also have an exceptional understanding of the primary curriculum. You will know how to research and develop best practices, work at a pace and inspire others in the endless goal to do better for our children so that they can do better and lead lives now and in the future that put learning and achievement at the heart of what they do. Purpose of Post To work collaboratively across the school. To maintain teaching and learning across the school so that outcomes continue to be outstanding. To lead a highly aspirational school which holds children at the heart of all that it does. To add expertise, capacity and subject and leadership expertise to the school. Relationships The post holder is accountable to the Executive Headteacher in respect of carrying out duties. The post holder will interact on a professional level with colleagues and seek to establish and maintain productive relationships to promote mutual understanding of child progress, with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and learning in the school. Responsibilities To demonstrate commitment to ensure the Christian ethos and values of a church school continue to be promoted and embedded. To take the lead responsibility for safeguarding, including online safety and understanding the filtering and monitoring systems and processes in place. To maintain teaching and learning across the school so that outcomes are outstanding overall. To promote the raising of aspiration and achievement within GLD, maths and English in particular. To improve the personal development opportunities for all children. To support staff and give them the confidence to improve and develop. To achieve a positive SIAMs inspection. Lead and manage the day-to-day running of the school. Carry out your duties in line with the management and working practices of the Trust. Take a lead role in the development of the school’s quality of learning and teaching in partnership with the Trust’s Director of Curriculum and Learning (DOCLA) and the School Improvement Team. Take a lead role in research and development and share good practices across the Trust. To promote the ethos and vision of the Trust. To communicate effectively with all key stakeholders. To work effectively in partnership with other schools in the Trust and their leaders. To ensure effective and high-quality performance management processes are in place to continue maximising school improvement. Ensuring that high standards are promoted in all aspects of the running of the school. Leadership To communicate compellingly the school’s vision and drive strategic leadership, empowering all children and staff to excel. Overall responsibility for the strategic management and operational activity of the school. To provide enthusiastic, innovative and consistent leadership to the school/Trust and leadership team. To work positively with the community to ensure the best possible outcomes for children. Implement rigorous and sustainable policies and strategies in order to transform the outcomes for children at the school. To ensure that children are healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve maximum potential, and are ready for the next phase of their education once they leave the school. To develop the reputation of the school, locally, regionally and nationally. To service and support the Local Advisory Board. Have high expectations of children, staff, parents and Local Advisory Board members. Education Provision and Standards: Ensure that the curriculum is developed and implemented, and that curriculum delivery is translated into effective learning and assessment practice. Encourage and promote innovation in educational provision through the commissioning and delivery of services, ensuring that the school can meet changing needs and demands consistent with government guidelines and requirements. Ensure that high-quality provision is available to all children regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, economic background or special educational needs. Develop a culture where children feel safe, confident and can attain their maximum educational outcomes. To ensure high standards of safeguarding and child protection so that child well-being (including mental health) is at the forefront of all that we do. Finance, Personnel and Resources: Ensure that all the activities of the school are conducted in accordance with all legal requirements and regulations. Ensure policies and procedures are consistent with “best practice” and recognised codes of probity. Implement a performance management framework for the delivery of high-quality services through high-quality performance. Recruit, manage and motivate a committed, effective, inclusive and diverse workforce that understands its roles and enables and promotes high-quality learning. To ensure that all resources are organised and managed to provide the best possible outcomes for children. To ensure the development of positive solutions to achieving diversity, dignity and equality in all aspects of service delivery and engagement with the broader community. To work closely with the HEARTS business team and ensure good value for money, effective staffing structures and excellent use of funding. To recruit, train and retain high-quality staff in conjunction with the Trust school improvement team.