Main Purpose of the Job The role holder will be responsible for the day to day operations and practice of the Violence Reduction Team within Safer Communities. The Violence Reduction Team (VRT) takes a multi-agency approach to breaking the cycle of involvement in group related violence with contextual safeguarding informing practice. The role holder will develop and have responsibility for the performance management of the VRT project, the monitoring, and evaluation and reporting to the central Violence Reduction Unit. Developing practice across the Team and Safer Communities Service, ensuring that work completed is to a consistent high standard and that policies and procedures are fully implemented, whilst ensuring that young people and families receive a high quality service. This role is multifaceted with co-chair responsibilities for multi-agency meetings. These meetings consider cases of concern, which includes children/young people at risk of or have been impacted by Child Sexual Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation, Missing Episodes, County Lines, and violence. To ensure that services under their control are run within a strict evidence-based performance framework. Ensure teams and agencies are tasked appropriately though collaborative involvement in Safer Lewisham’s partnership intelligence development cycle as well as a regular review of Police intelligence products and material To contribute to the work of the Crime Reduction & Supporting People division in support of the Council’s vision, values and priorities for action. Provide expert consultancy and specialist advice on Violence Reduction; advising chief officers, the MPS, key stakeholders and elected members To implement best practice, legislation and policy within the Violence Reduction remit to ensure the Council discharges its duties under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and associated Pan London Procedures. Summary of Responsibilities and Personal Duties: ▪ To promote and develop the service with partners across the Borough. ▪ Deliver practice and operational leadership, which aligns with the Service wide vision and objectives, driving change and constant improvement. ▪ To oversee, manage and support the development and the delivery of the Initiative – providing an effective and efficient support service to victims, those at risk of offending and those that have offended. - 1 - ▪ Lead on the development of specific policies and procedures to contribute to the continuous improvement of violence reduction within the Safer Communities Service. ▪ Providing effective management oversight of complex case work, ensuring that allocation, initial contact, assessments, home visits and Intervention Plans are timely, managing risk and safeguarding effectively in line with policies, procedures and practice guidance. ▪ Continually review performance outcomes and outputs against delivery targets and ensure that Service risks are appropriately managed and adjustments made in order to deliver targets and outcomes. ▪ To quality assure assessments by demonstrating the ability to analyse complex data, balance public protection, safeguarding and broader development issues. ▪ To undertake the development of individual re-integration and resettlement plans to meet the needs of those that have offended or are at risk of offending and victims. ▪ To assist in the contract monitoring of the Violence Reduction Team and projects including the development of specifications and the submission of data as and when required, albeit at least quarterly. ▪ To provide information, support and guidance to safeguard victims, those at risk of offending and those that have offended. This will include their families/carers and their wider support networks. ▪ To identify a network of agencies and services that will support those at risk or those that have offended, with an emphasis on addressing the individual needs of children and young people through education, training, employment or/and support with accommodation and health. ▪ To lead and chair multi-agency meetings in order to manage risk and contextual harm. ▪ To deliver intervention in partnership with stakeholders, which includes the police, the Probation Service, the Youth Offending Service as well of Children Social Care and Educational establishments. ▪ To provide advocacy and support that will facilitate the personal and social development of service users. ▪ To ensure that records are maintained in line with Service and Corporate policies, procedures and operational guidance. ▪ To provide a key role in developing the teams’ professional practice through staff training and support. ▪ To work flexibly with partnerships and external services to meet the needs of a diverse client base. ▪ To ensure that all work is consistent with the borough’s crime reduction strategies and all other relevant strategies. ▪ To devise, review and monitor the Violence Reduction Plan ensuring stakeholders contribute, reporting regularly to the Safer Lewisham Partnership. ▪ To contribute to Corporate and directorate strategy action plans, as well as contributing to crime reduction targets for partner agencies/stakeholders. ▪ To represent the Service, sharing good practice in forums as appropriate, facilitating workshops and/or presentations internally and external of the Council. ▪ To keep abreast of existing and new developments such as Government legislation, Violence Reduction initiatives and roles of other agencies. - 2 - ▪ To collaborate with violence reduction teams in neighbouring boroughs in the monitoring and development of joint projects to reduce crime. ▪ This post will be responsible for applying for finance through the Violence Reduction Unit’s Critical Incident Grant up to £5000. The finance will be used in line with the Council and MOPAC’S financial regulations. ▪ To ensure complaints are responded to appropriately in compliance with the team and directorates procedures. ▪ Produce succinct and structured written reports and communication, conveying clear messages and achieving a positive impact on a diversity of recipients, choosing the most appropriate form of communications. ▪ Produce briefings for members as directed by the Head of Safer Communities. ▪ Author reports for Performance & Effective Practice meetings. ▪ Representing the Service at stakeholder meetings including Safer Neighbourhood Boards and associated meetings i.e. the Community Engagement and Stop and Search Boards. ▪ To be responsible for making independent decisions in accordance with legal requirements and Council policy and procedures. ▪ To authorise plans and actions which do not exceed the job holder’s authorisation limits. ▪ Be responsible for the Violence Reduction Service on Equalities and Diversity issues; ensuring compliance with Race Relations Amendment Act, Disability Discrimination Act and ensure that Equality Impact Assessments are undertaken as required Staff Management To be responsible for the appointment, training and development of staff and for carrying out 1-1’s, appraisals and performance reviews. To monitor/manage annual leave, expenses and training requests as well as implementing the Council’s sickness policy amongst others. Managing the day-to-day operational activities of the ASB, Statutory Nuisance, Licensing and Trading Standards team, overseeing processing and enforcement activities according to service plans. Monitor staff performance and progress against targets. Ensure team targets and performance standards are met on time. Monitor staff compliance with council policies and take corrective action where inconsistencies exist. The post-holder will have full oversight and participation to the recruitment, induction and appraisals of staff whether employed by or seconded to the service Have oversight of the recruitment and selection processes and disciplinary, grievances, investigations and other enquiry panels as required and report progress, risks or issues to the Safer Communities Crime and Violence Reduction Service Manager and or the Head of Safer Communities. Internal Contacts: These include Members of the Council, Executive Directors, Directors, Heads of Service, Service managers and other staff across the Council as appropriate - 3 - External contacts: These may include Members of Parliament, Members of local communities, London Mayor’s Office for policing and Crime, NHS England, Police, Probation, Ministry of Justice, Home Office, Violence Reduction Unit, schools, voluntary sector etc. To carry out the duties of the post with due regard to the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy and core values. All employees are required to participate in the Performance Evaluation Scheme (PES) and to undertake appropriate training and development identified to enhance their work. taking All employees are required to comply with the Council's Health & Safety policies and procedures at all times, due care for themselves, colleagues and members of the public. Assist in carrying out the Council's environmental policy within the day to day activities of the post. Undertake other duties, commensurate with the grade, as may reasonably be required. IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst this role has a strand specialism, in order to build safer communities all strands within the Safer Communities Service, which includes Licensing, Anti-Social Behaviour, Trading Standards, Statutory Nuisance, VAWG, Violence Reduction, Community Engagement, Prevent, CCTV will be expected to support Service Delivery outside of their usual strand specialism. This could include ‘Action Day’s and Projects to address a specific concern that includes a number of the aforementioned strands. The requirement will be at the discretion of the senior management Safer Communities Service and will be based on Service/Council need. Consideration will be given to making reasonable adjustments for a disabled post holder. THIS JOB DESCRIPTION MAY NEED TO BE AMENDED BY THE DIRECTORATE TO MEET THE CHANGING NEEDS OF THE SERVICE. Number of fully managed staff: 6 Number of partially managed staff: 4