Jnr Bourekenaar vir Elektriese Kontrakteur Hierdie gesogte onderneming is 'n baanbreker in die elektriese sektor, bekend vir hul toewyding aan kwaliteit, innovasie, en ongeëwenaarde dienslewering. Met jare se ervaring en 'n sterk teenwoordigheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse mark, fokus hulle daarop om oplossings te bied wat nie net aan kliënte se behoeftes voldoen nie, maar ook verwagtinge oortref. Hulle spesialiseer in 'n wye reeks dienste, insluitend ontwerp, installasie, instandhouding en konsultasie, met 'n kernfokus op doeltreffendheid en kostebesparing. Aantal Posisies: 1 Salaris: R20 000 R25 000 per maand Voordele : Vervoer en verblyf vir terreine wat weg van Pretoria geleë is. Doeltreffende groei-geleenthede Posisieligging : Pretoria-Wes Begindatum: Februarie 2025 Werksure: 07:00 tot 16:30, Maandae tot Vrydae, op kantoor of op terrein Die Junior Bourekenaar, of Elektriese Estimator, sal verantwoordelik wees vir die ondersteuning van die Senior Bourekenaar (QS) en terreinbestuurder in die administrasie en monitering van bouprojekte (hoofsaaklik elektriese aspekte). Die kandidaat sal beheer hou oor alle bestellings, aflewerings en uitreik van materiaal. Noukeurige lees en interpretasie van tekeninge, metings, en die skep van presiese bestellings gebaseer op gemete materiaal is noodsaaklik vir korrekte fakturering van n meetbare BOQ. Die kandidaat sal ook alle projekskattings met die QS bevestig en verseker dat bestellings en aflewerings volgens projekspesifikasies, tekeninge en korrekte metings uitgevoer word. Hierdie posisie vereis reis tussen die kantoor en terreine soos benodig deur die Senior QS. Kwalifikasies en Ervaring Vereistes: BSc QS, BTech QS, QS Diploma of Estimator Diploma Ervaring van 2 5 jaar in n soortgelyke rol Hoofverantwoordelikhede: Bevestig elke eis wat op terrein deur subkontrakteurs ingedien word teenoor werksvoltooiing. Assisteer die Senior QS met alle eise soos benodig. Meet en interpreteer tekeninge, en maak bestellings gebaseer op hierdie metings sonder ekstra hoeveelhede of kontingensies. Hou n maandelikse bestellings- en afmetingsblad by (bv. kabels, beligting vir toegewyde projekte). Verseker effektiewe interaksie tussen die QS, jouself en die koper aan wie die projek toegeken is. Rapporteer aan die terreinbestuurder oor bestellings en afleweringskedules. Pas aflewerings aan soos benodig deur die projekspan op terrein en lig die QS en terreinbestuurder in oor veranderinge. Verseker dat elke materiaalbestelling deur die terreinbestuurder goedgekeur is. Werk saam met terreinbestuurders om projekterrein glad te laat funksioneer en voorsien nodige ondersteuning. Monitor materiaal teenoor die bouprogram en alle relevante faktore wat projekvoltooiing mag beïnvloed. Stel n swakpuntlys (snag list) saam en werk saam met die terreinbestuurder om probleme betyds op te los. Verseker dat materiaal tydig en korrek bestel word vir elke projek. Assisteer die aankoper met akkurate materiaalkeuse en bestellings. Assisteer met begrotings, veral groot items, en beplan vooruit vir bestellings. Verskaf weeklikse e-posverslae aan die MD en Operasionele Bestuurder oor projekvordering. Unieke uitdagings: Die koördinering van materiaalbestellings en aflewerings in dinamiese terreinomgewings. Verseker streng nakoming van bouprogramvereistes en projekspesifikasies. Handhawing van effektiewe kommunikasie tussen verskeie belanghebbendes om suksesvolle projekuitkomste te verseker. Doen vandag aansoek indien jy aan die bogenoemde vereistes voldoen en belangstel in hierdie pos. Jnr Quantity Surveyor for Electrical Contractor This esteemed company is a pioneer in the electrical sector, renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and unparalleled service delivery. With years of experience and a strong presence in the South African market, they focus on providing solutions that not only meet clients needs but also exceed expectations. They specialize in a wide range of services, including design, installation, maintenance, and consulting, with a core focus on efficiency and cost savings. Position Details Number of Positions: 1 Salary: R20,000 R25,000 per month Benefits: Transport and accommodation for sites located outside Pretoria. Excellent growth opportunities. Position Location: Pretoria West Start Date: February 2025 Working Hours: 07:00 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, either in-office or on-site. The Junior Quantity Surveyor (QS) or Electrical Estimator will be responsible for supporting the Senior Quantity Surveyor and site manager in the administration and monitoring of construction projects (mainly in electrical aspects). The candidate will manage all orders, deliveries, and issuing of materials. Accurate reading and interpretation of drawings, measurements, and creating precise orders based on measured materials are crucial for correct billing in a measurable Bill of Quantities (BOQ). The candidate will also confirm all project estimates with the QS and ensure that orders and deliveries align with project specifications, drawings, and correct measurements. This position requires travel between the office and project sites as needed by the Senior QS. Qualifications and Experience Requirements: BSc QS, BTech QS, QS Diploma, or Estimator Diploma 25 years of experience in a similar role Key Responsibilities: Verify all claims submitted on-site by subcontractors against work completion. Assist the Senior QS with all claims as required. Measure and interpret drawings, placing orders based on these measurements without adding extra quantities or contingencies. Maintain a monthly orders and measurements sheet (e.g., cables, lighting for dedicated projects). Ensure effective interaction between the QS, yourself, and the buyer assigned to the project. Report to the site manager regarding orders and delivery schedules. Adjust deliveries as needed by the project team on-site and notify the QS and site manager of changes. Ensure all material orders are approved by the site manager. Collaborate with site managers to ensure smooth operations on-site and provide necessary support. Monitor materials against the construction program and all relevant factors affecting project completion. Compile a snag list and work with the site manager to resolve issues promptly. Ensure timely and accurate material orders for each project. Assist the buyer in accurate material selection and ordering. Assist with budgeting, particularly for large items, and plan orders in advance. Provide weekly email reports to the MD and Operations Manager regarding project progress. Unique Challenges: Coordinating material orders and deliveries in dynamic site environments. Ensuring strict adherence to construction program requirements and project specifications. Maintaining effective communication between various stakeholders to ensure successful project outcomes. Apply today if you meet the above requirements and are interested in this position