*For the right candidate, we will consider paying towards the Ofsted application fees, if not yet registered.
Live out and part time OFSTED nanny required to look after a 10 month old little boy. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00am-5.00pm (hours may change slightly, happy to be somewhat flexible for the right person) The nanny must have baby experience and be able to help and support the parents with upcoming developmental stages. Baby Z is an extremely happy boy who loves to play, laugh and attempt to walk. We wish to have someone that will ensure he continues to be a happy child and to encourage development of new skills and habits. All typical nursery duties including cooking, healthy and nutritious food for the little boy and being able to encourage his learning at all times through play both inside the home and also when out and about. Making sure that the toys and kitchen are left clean and tidy at the end of the day.
The nearest station is Ifield and is within walking distance from the house, there is also parking if needed.
Start beginning of September.